Flight Program
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Flight Program Information
Flight Soccer is for boys and girls approximately 5-10 years old (birth years 2014 to 2018) who wish to experience soccer in the recreational setting.
Flight sessions run for eight weeks beginning in September for the fall and April for the spring.
Players will be contacted with team assignments approximately two weeks prior to the start of Flights .
FALL ONLY - Flights fee: $95.00; Non-residents add $5.00
FULL YEAR: FALL & SPRING - Flights fee $170.00; Non-residents add $10.00
Age Group Information
Open to birth years 2014 to 2018 for fall/spring 2023-2024
Please use this chart to see the age brackets mandated by US Youth Soccer.
Games and Training Schedule, Locations, and Times
Fall 2023 - September 6 to October 28 - 8 weeks
Spring 2024 - April 3 to June 1 - 8 weeks
Parking at Village Green Field
Please do not park in the Giant Eagle Employee lot or Heather/Conestoga Drives.
Please use the Village Green field lot and the street after the lot is full. Overflow should park at the back of the Best Buy lot.
Game Structure by Flight
General Flights Checklist - What to wear/know/bring
- Please be on-time
- Proper size ball (inflated) - see chart above
- Soccer shoes with cleats
- Shin guards (must be under soccer socks)
- Appropriate athletic attire
- Full water bottle
- Is it your week to bring the team snack?
- Flight 1 - a parent must stay the entire session
- Flight 2 and above - a parent should stay unless they have another team parent willing to be responsible
- Weather cancellations - Check TeamSnap
Important restrictions
- No Tobacco use at any BPSA events
- Please refrain from bringing pets - No pets permitted on the turf fields
Flights Documents
Contact Us
Please contact us at webmaster@bpsoccer.org if you have any questions or comments.
For registration questions or issues please email registration@bpsoccer.org.
About Our Club
The mission of the Bethel Park Soccer Association is to provide a quality soccer program at a fun as well as competitive level for the residents of Bethel Park, PA. The association is a member of PA-West, the governing body for soccer in Western Pennsylvania, and adheres to all ethical rules set forth by that governing body. As such, BPSA has high expectation for adherence to the Code of Conduct by all coaches, players, parents and spectators participating in the program.